Pinar introduced me to health systems, and she has been an invaluable advisor for my journey into this field! You may know her as the 2020 president of INFORMS, but did you know she is also the co-founder and director of the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems at Georgia Tech? Truly a premiere researcher in the healthcare field and an icon in our community! Together, Pinar, Julie Swann, and I formed a team to assist the Guinea Worm Eradication Program by developing an agent-based simulation model for Guinea worm disease. More recently, Pinar and I worked together to create an interactive dashboard that visualizes the data for COVID-19 cases across Georgia.
Natashia has been my primary advisor during my doctoral program. She is a Fouts Family Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of ISYE at Georgia Tech, and an expert in the field of integer linear programming and discrete optimization.
Outstanding public health researcher and Department Head of UNC's Department of ISE. Julie co-founded and co-directed the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems during her time at Georgia Tech. Also, we worked together with Pinar Keskinocak and The Carter Center on modeling Guinea Worm transmission in Chad dogs. Our work is published in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Health.
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